Monday, March 24, 2014

Stage Fright (With Pasama)

1.Ashley and Honda (cool concept and thought provoking)
2. Sophie and Diana (nice image, really liked the perspective and panorama effect)
3. Dan and Anthony (love the idea and cool execution especially the banana)
4. Z and Hazel (strong image with a cool back story liked the ships)
5. Taylor and Kyle (Nice image and cool shoe design)
6. Mike and Hannah (funny how he almost looks like he will crash)
7. Damian and Arielle (cool idea for immigration but needs area of focus)
8. Ryan and Nick (love the baseball concept at where to pitch)
9. Maddy and Jessica (cool idea but could have been stronger in one image)
10. Ricky and Scott (understandable but the image could be stronger without the logo)
11. Stephanie and Kat ( Slightly confusing but the idea comes through with ball in focus)

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