Thursday, May 1, 2014


Group Roster

Damian- dancer, writer

Pasama- film editor, dancer

Olivia- film editor, dancer

Alix- film editor, cameraman

Ricky- Rapper, writer



First we came up with an idea of making a music video.  We decided to make the music video about a guy seeing something that reminds him of his ex-girlfriend.  Then we decided on how to implement the themes into our music video.  Once we figured that out, we then filmed a scene in stadium and decided to think of other areas to film.  We decided to come back the next week with weird props and film again on campus.  Next we filmed by the pool, the river, and other locations on campus.  Then we had to edit the video and add some music for the background.  Once we were able to edit the video properly, we viewed it one last time and decided it was finish. 

Monday, April 28, 2014


One may be confused when they see my pictures and say there is no way this happened, but that is a lie. All of these pictures were taken on my magical journey through my dreams and the dreams of my friends. I was lucky enough to capture these moments so real our heads but so hard to see in your personal reality.  So lean back, relax, and keep an open mind because I am sure at least one picture might make you take a closer look, or make you think a little bit deeper about what you are really looking at. Remember, it's always important to keep an open mind when doing anything. ;) I had a lot of fun taking these photos and exploring my creative photographic side. I have always loved creating stories and characters in my head and photography is my way of getting them out of there.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Claire Sherwood

1. Great color combinations
2. Love how much you focus on the little details
3. Icing is a really cool and fluid
4. Your blog has a sweet bubbly feeling
5. Star the video seems somewhat trippy

1. vessel for morning, what inspired this and the vessel of change?
2. how long did icing take?
3. Do you really enjoy frosting?
4. Can you explain Begin: Something to say, Claire?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Stage Fright (With Pasama)

1.Ashley and Honda (cool concept and thought provoking)
2. Sophie and Diana (nice image, really liked the perspective and panorama effect)
3. Dan and Anthony (love the idea and cool execution especially the banana)
4. Z and Hazel (strong image with a cool back story liked the ships)
5. Taylor and Kyle (Nice image and cool shoe design)
6. Mike and Hannah (funny how he almost looks like he will crash)
7. Damian and Arielle (cool idea for immigration but needs area of focus)
8. Ryan and Nick (love the baseball concept at where to pitch)
9. Maddy and Jessica (cool idea but could have been stronger in one image)
10. Ricky and Scott (understandable but the image could be stronger without the logo)
11. Stephanie and Kat ( Slightly confusing but the idea comes through with ball in focus)