Thursday, May 1, 2014


Group Roster

Damian- dancer, writer

Pasama- film editor, dancer

Olivia- film editor, dancer

Alix- film editor, cameraman

Ricky- Rapper, writer



First we came up with an idea of making a music video.  We decided to make the music video about a guy seeing something that reminds him of his ex-girlfriend.  Then we decided on how to implement the themes into our music video.  Once we figured that out, we then filmed a scene in stadium and decided to think of other areas to film.  We decided to come back the next week with weird props and film again on campus.  Next we filmed by the pool, the river, and other locations on campus.  Then we had to edit the video and add some music for the background.  Once we were able to edit the video properly, we viewed it one last time and decided it was finish. 

Monday, April 28, 2014


One may be confused when they see my pictures and say there is no way this happened, but that is a lie. All of these pictures were taken on my magical journey through my dreams and the dreams of my friends. I was lucky enough to capture these moments so real our heads but so hard to see in your personal reality.  So lean back, relax, and keep an open mind because I am sure at least one picture might make you take a closer look, or make you think a little bit deeper about what you are really looking at. Remember, it's always important to keep an open mind when doing anything. ;) I had a lot of fun taking these photos and exploring my creative photographic side. I have always loved creating stories and characters in my head and photography is my way of getting them out of there.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Claire Sherwood

1. Great color combinations
2. Love how much you focus on the little details
3. Icing is a really cool and fluid
4. Your blog has a sweet bubbly feeling
5. Star the video seems somewhat trippy

1. vessel for morning, what inspired this and the vessel of change?
2. how long did icing take?
3. Do you really enjoy frosting?
4. Can you explain Begin: Something to say, Claire?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Stage Fright (With Pasama)

1.Ashley and Honda (cool concept and thought provoking)
2. Sophie and Diana (nice image, really liked the perspective and panorama effect)
3. Dan and Anthony (love the idea and cool execution especially the banana)
4. Z and Hazel (strong image with a cool back story liked the ships)
5. Taylor and Kyle (Nice image and cool shoe design)
6. Mike and Hannah (funny how he almost looks like he will crash)
7. Damian and Arielle (cool idea for immigration but needs area of focus)
8. Ryan and Nick (love the baseball concept at where to pitch)
9. Maddy and Jessica (cool idea but could have been stronger in one image)
10. Ricky and Scott (understandable but the image could be stronger without the logo)
11. Stephanie and Kat ( Slightly confusing but the idea comes through with ball in focus)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Long Hurrrr Don't Currrr

This is the lady with the world record of longest hair. She was from china, so why not compare her to one of China's tallest buildings?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tim Roda

1. Most of it makes me uncomfortable in an interesting way.
2. Play on ideal roles
3. All black and white
4. Has a old fashioned feel with new age ideas
5.  Every image is loud is what it is saying

1. What type of camera did you use
2. Why do you have no photos in color?
3. Where do you get your ideas for each set?
4. Is the game of antiques about torture?
5. How do you like to edit your images?

Pre Zombie Apocalypse

 In this photo, there is a wide selection of everyday goods that are commonly found in a grocery store. From first glance, the image is very overwhelming. There is a multitude of colors and the objects are so congested that it seems very chaotic. However, as a closer look is taken, everything begins to appear very organized. Each item is color coordinated, and grouped by type and brand. It appears to be at a grocery store, such as a Wal Mart grocery. It looks as if everything is undisturbed, or freshly stocked, like how a store would look in the morning after it opens. After this photograph was taken, we assume that these organized shelves got picked over as more and more customers came through it.  Overall the way this store is set up is all about convincing consumers on buying the best most colorful items. The store is marginalizing consumers as a whole by thinking that the customers will be persuaded by these enticing labels and colors. Also by placing sales tags the vendor things the items may seem more desirable. It further depicts the materialistic aspects of society through the overabundance of options for the same products. When looking at the soda aisle (the one in the very back towards the top of the image), we see that the same item in different flavors and brands takes up the entire length of the photo. We are crowded with options, all many variations of the same exact thing. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What am I?

  1. Smaller than my hand bigger than an iphone
  2. has a zipper around it
  3. has many colors
  4. the zipper is an old gold color
  5. theres a piece of sued tied onto the zipper 
  6. the front has a clear slot for ID
  7. theres lacing on the front and back
  8. The back has a print on it
  9. theres a pocket on the back and front of it
  10. can only open and close in one direction
  11. has three card spots
  12. pocket behind card spots
  13. cotton type material makes the entire object
  14. another zipper on the inside on the left
  15. material attached to the zipper is the same color blue as the rest of the object but is a different material
  16. the back pocket can fit 4 fingers or an iphone
  17. theres a hand strap on the side of it
  18. theres a detachable metal clip on the hand strap
  19. the colors are faded
  20. some of the sings are starting to come off
  21. the lace is broken on the bottom left corner on the front
  22. 3/4 of it is surrounded by the zipper
  23. smells like money 
  24. smells like sweat
  25. also smells like incense on the front
  26. tastes like fabric
  27. soft
  28. bendable
  29. hard to bend when theres cards in it
  30. jingles when it shakes
  31. makes a high pitch clunk when dropped
  32. almost silent when swinging
  33. silent when carried in a bag
  34. can stand up on its own
  35. rectangular
  36. 3/4 of an inch thick
  37. needs to be washed
  38. absorbant 
  39. cant go in the dryer
  40. can feel texture within fabric
  41. heavier than it looks
  42. same weight as iphone
  43. made in china
  44. has a tag
  45. the tag is white
  46. the seems are the same color as fabric
  47. the lace has soft pompoms on it
  48. easy to hold
  49. easy to open and access
  50. it would sink in water

Shapes within an image

The sun makes the circle 
The mast and the front of the sail makes a triangle
and the base of the boat makes a rectangle.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Questions and Observations

How did you decide on the website layout.
do you think having the light backgrounds help bring out your work?
whats your favorite/ most comfortable medium.
what is your least/most favorite piece of work on your website.
whats the hardest medium/ takes most time.
I love that single image at a time so there's no competition to look at anything.
very simplistic layout that's easy to navigate.
haven't updated since 2010.
Sculptures have multiple meanings after really looking at them.

Very subdued colors are used throught all your works.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Image Evaluation

 Space: There is a lot of empty space within this image that really catches the eye. All the arches and empty spaces between the designs really contrast with the light coming in from behind it.

Texture: It is illustrated in this photo through the bark of the palm tree. There is much roughness and sporadic growths that constants the sharp green leaves behind it, or the smooth white pillar in the background.

Balance: Balance is demonstrated through the seemingly similar sides of the hallway that causes one to look down to the end. At the end there is a curve which catches the audiences attention and keeps the image from being flat.

This is a water reflection of a building and trees, and the harmony is in calm water of a lake. The image of a house and trees is very clear and you can see almost every leaf on branches in the reflection.

As you can see it's a photo of a small fountain near the swimming pool. I like the small splash of water which you can see in the middle of a photo, it's very dynamic and charming at the same time. This photo has a good contrast of movement and stability which you can see in walls of fountain and water. 

This photo represents variety of different textures, colors and shapes. The colorful and soft carpet, classic neutral color and texture of a wall, and a sharp dark plinth.
Here you can see a change of proportion between the flagpole and my (Janelle's) arm. Both of these elements take up a good portion of the photo and plays with the idea that the flagpole is smaller than it really is.

The rhythm in this picture can be seen with the repetition of the windows going down is size as they get further away. This makes our eyes travel down the hallway.
This image represents unity between various elements including color, line, shape, proportion, and rhythm.
The straight lines of the Tampa Art Museum carry your eye across the photo, the colors of the museum make the building pop out in the photo and even takes part in the proportion of the photo. The museum takes up a large part of the photo and we can tell it is apart of the foreground due to the clarity of the museum as opposed to the foggy background. There is repetition of circles among the building adding different shapes to the image and making the appearance of the museum more visually interesting on a whole.
Color: pink is the main focus of the image. The pink flower blends in with the hair and makes it the focal point. I see mostly secondary colors and cool colors . There are a few line patterns in the image as well.

Emphasis: As you can see the point of focus in the image is the tree, because it is in the middle and in front of the image. The pattern of the building in the background stands out as well. The shadows from the tree reflect off from the building.

Line: The lines in the picture are horizontal and vertical as well. The bricks have a specific pattern followed throughout the whole image. The movement is distributed equally in and is not going in a distinct direction.

Shape: You can see a combination of rectangles and squares throughout the  whole image. There are  few oval shapes and diamond like figures. The image has a lot of depth and your eyes follow it all the way to the back of the image.